80+ HD Videos
5+ Hour of Content
Chapter-wise Practice Questions
Course Completion Certificates
200 Multiple Choice questions
150+ Practice Scenarios.
Tally GURU is a comprehensive level certification, a candidate with this certificate will be recognized as being proficient in the principles of accounting through Tally and is recommended for candidates who aspire to build a successful career in Finance and Accounts or as an entrepreneur. Candidates passing the online assessment will earn a verifiable digital certificate from Happy Learnings.
Don’t give a second thought to join the course and start learning!
Principles of Accounting
Inventory management
Accounting day to day transactions
Receivables and Payables Management
Banking and Payments
Order Processing
Allocating and Tracking of Expenses and Incomes
Statutory and Taxation (GST and TDS)
Payroll Administration
Data Management and Technical aspects
Multiple Career Opportunities for certified candidates
Career Progression and Management
Industry Preferred Certificate
After successful completion of the course, students will get a "Certificate of Completion"
Beginners in finance
Persons who want to start an accounting business
Happy Learnings is the fastest growing online education marketplaces on the internet to learn accounts, business, software, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. We partner with companies and individuals to address their unique needs, providing training and coaching that helps working professionals achieve their career goals. In addition to helping individual learners achieve their goals, we offer flexible, cost-effective group memberships for your business, school, or government organization.
4.7 Instructor Rating
HappyLearnings.com is one of the world’s leading certification training providers. We partner with companies and individuals to address their unique needs, providing training and coaching that helps working professionals achieve their career goals.
average based on rating
yes it's a good match for me, the instructor teaching way is brilliant and easy to understand ..thank you
It’s very clear to understand and way of teaching is good and interesting
In my experience, the online class was very understandable, clear, and simple. The tally practical class was effective. Notes are simple.
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